Procrastination? It's my middle name.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We’ve all been there and felt the stress of the clock ticking until deadline. I can most definitely speak from experience. In high school we don’t have many big responsibilities but in college we are burdened by them. As shown in Cheese Crackers and Root Beer by Makani MacDonald, we seem to leave our work for last, especially when it has to do with English papers. His poem written for an English assignment perfectly depicts the situation a college student is in the couple of hours before an assignment is due. I can definitely relate to it. The question is: “Why do we leave our work for the last minute?” My answer: “I work better under pressure.” Maybe we use that as an excuse to feel better about being on Facebook for multiple hours instead of doing our academic work. Maybe we haven’t gotten used to how to use our free time in college. I can tell you from firsthand experience that in college, it’s not a joke. You can’t sweet talk your teacher of 400 other students for extra time. It’s a matter of making yourself not feel guilty for the inevitable procrastination that occurs every single time you have a paper to write. This poem aims for the college crowd. For those who are on the edge of academic probation. For those who are struggling with prioritizing their school work. For freshman like me who waited till the last hour to do my assignment and felt that if I had started it yesterday it wouldn’t have been as good.


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