Writing to Comment: Thinking Twice Before Shooting Up

Monday, December 7, 2009
What ever happened to that famous saying "Beauty lies beneath"? Is it more important for a woman to love herself or to love her dermatologist and Botox? In today's society, it has been noticed that women everywhere are fighting the battle to look younger. They define younger as desirable, successful, and confident. The pages of magazines are filled with celebrities who normal people like you and I look up to. this is just among one of the strategies that companies use to sell their products. Another is the beginning of any statement with "Doctors suggest" or "statistics show." Beauty advertisements stress that you must fill your body with chemicals and surgeries which is not true. Those ideal images everyone seeks don't even exist anywhere beyond Photoshop, so why spend all that money on beauty products?

Everywhere in the world, women are expected to look a certain way if they expect to be categorized as beautiful. Not every country has the same ideals though. In America, we portray beauty as young, tall, and flawless. In parts of the Middle East, on the other side of the world, obesity is beauty. Sounds crazy right? Every country seems to have their own definition of what they admire but it's safe to say that for every country there is a standard bar waiting to be met. We can also narrow it down to every community. In every community there are basic criteria that is expected of members. You must be loyal, a good citizen, and be involved. Apparently that's all changing as the years go by. There is still an interest in being a law abiding citizen but is it PREFERRED to be a good looking law abiding citizen?

The fundamentals of a community have slightly changed and i believe we are overlooking it's actual purpose. It's not about how many members use the new Ultra Lift Pro serum to hide wrinkles, It should be about how many people help out their fellow members. Flipping the pages in our magazines we see what our community wants us to look like but through our works we need to show them that the important stuff comes from within, not how we look like on the outside. The same way companies use written advertisements to sell fake products, we can use our thoughts written on paper to remind our society of what's truly important which is giving back to our community.


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