Writing to Reflect: Covering Our Earth in Sunblock

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Walking into the Cape Florida Ballroom in the Student Union at my University, I was handed a quarter sheet of paper which read: Danny Orlando, Storm and Opportunities: An Energy and Climate Discussion. We waited approximately ten minutes for everything to be set up and the sponsors to introduce Mr.Orlando. He was here to speak about Energy Star (his employer) and the dangers of Global Warming. Dressed Professionally and speaking formally to his diverse audience he began a speech that from the beginning was catchy and extremely effective. His strategy with visual aids, small jokes, and easy-to-understand examples kept the crowd listening to the very last minute.

Starting with a presentation of pictures on a slide show he explained how us humans, are having an exponential negative impact on earth's well being every year. We've all heard the stories on the news about the new types of energy, how to recycle and what's happening to our ozone layer, but Orlando's speech was different. He found a way to make everything he spoke about directly effect each individual in the audience, no matter the age. Personally, I realized that if change
isn't made soon enough by MY generation; MY kids will suffer the consequences. By making it feel like we were doing something honorable instead of carrying a burden, Orlando made us feel the desire to put a little effort into saving our planet.

He emphasized the importance of getting involved in our community and helping out so in the future we can harvest our accomplishments. Through his works, he's able to reach out to people like me who in turn will share my ideas with friends and family. The same goes for Orlando's papers that he has published. Not everyone can go out and give speeches like Orlando, but everyone has the ability to write up their thoughts and make them available for others to agree or disagree with. Viewing how his papers was just as effective as his speech, it shows how much power words have on a paper when written with dedication. It just proves that everyone can be a writer and that should be taken full advantage of to get involved with out community.


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